Austin Area Quilt Guild

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  • AAQG October Monthly Board meeting - Virtual

AAQG October Monthly Board meeting - Virtual

  • October 15, 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual - Zoom

Registration is closed

The AAQG Executive Board meeting is a mandatory meeting for all members of the Executive Board.

If you must miss a meeting, please do the following:

  • 1) ask a board member to serve as your proxy, and 
  • 2) email and to let us know you will be absent and to inform us who will serve as your proxy.  

If you want to place an item on the agenda, please do the following:
  Respond to the email you receive from soliciting agenda itmes

A copy of the items submitted for the agenda can be found HERE (click on response tab). Or if you prefer viewing in a spreadsheet look HERE.

A copy of the agenda (as it stands in real time) may be found in the appropriate folder HERE.

For more information, refer to the sections about the Executive Board and other officers included in the AAQG By Laws and Policies and Procedures located in Member Publications

Zoom Meeting Link:

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