Austin Area Quilt Guild  

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Show your Support for the Guild 

The Austin Area Quilt Guild offers the following advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Click here for available rates, sizes and deadlines.  Email  with any questions.

Newsletter Ads

The AAQG Quilting Quips Newsletter reaches quilting enthusiasts throughout central Texas and beyond. Quilting Quips is produced 12 times a year and sent to more than 500 quilting enthusiasts via email. All advertisers who purchase a one-year (twelve months) ad receive a discounted rate.


Sponsors receive one year logo placement on AAQG home page, including a link to their website. This applies to quilt-related businesses only and will be reviewed prior to acceptance.

Email Blast to Members

Quilt-related advertising via email ensures that all members see your ad with a subject line applicable to only your ad. This includes personal goods for sale, as well as professional goods and services. The list is private and addresses are never shared.

Door Prizes 

We gladly accept door prizes from companies hoping to promote their business at our monthly meetings for a thank you. Email to donate a door prize.

Austin Area Quilt Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 5757, Austin, TX 78763

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